Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Cutting Myself Off

Last night, I had myself banned from one of my mom boards. I have a lot to do this holiday season, and that is one less distraction.

It is also a board from where I used to live. I made some really great friends there, and we used to hang out in real life all of the time.

I have been living in my new town for almost two years now. It is time to let go. And I did not realize just how hard that was going to be.

These ladies are the only ones who have known LittleBird since she was teeny tiny. They cheered me on in my VBAC journey and went berserk with happiness for me when I was successful.

No one in my new town has that kind of history with me. No one gives a damn.

And I do not say that in a "poor me" kind of way. It is what it is. I live in a really weird place, and we need to get back to reality soon. Everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives. I just have not connected with the moms here the way I did in my old digs. Probably because there are fewer moms to choose from. Don't get me wrong, I have met a few great people, but after two years this is still a very lonely place to live.

I cut myself off because I need to shift my focus. From the life I had to the life I am living now. Good god, what a painful transition this is turning out to be.


Military Mom said...

I know how you feel. We have to move every 4 years or so, so its hard to make new friends in a new town. What I do is just make myself available. I started attending classes at the gym, and I even went to a bellydancing class! It was fun and I made a few new friends.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Aw, man. I'm sorry about the lack-o-mom/friends situation there. I'd ship myself out there if I could!

Anonymous said...

I was WONDERING where you had sauntered off to! :)

At least I know where to come get my fix...
