Friday, April 9, 2010

One Tit Wonder

One of the more recent perks of being a parent is freezing my ass off in swim lessons. We've been teaching the kids on their own, but they haven't made the final leap to swimming independently. Hence, two kids in one class on Friday evenings. Me and ten other dimple-legged moms with 45° headlights in the shallow end of the rec center pool.

At the tender age of three, even after a full swim lesson my son is ready to jump and jump and jump off the side of the pool until we pack it in and call it a day. He doesn't really need me to catch him, it's more that it is fun for him to jump towards me as a target. I think I predicted my own fate when I warned him not to grab at my bathing suit. Wouldn't you know the very next jump his hand snagged the front of my swimsuit. Fabric down, tits up. I sank under the surface when I realized what was happening, but I wasn't fast enough. One of my girls definitely got a little hang time before I hit the water.

I don't think anyone saw, but I didn't look around to take a poll, either. The key to keeping your dignity is to not notice if other people noticed. You can't be embarrassed if you don't see the stares, right?


wendryn said...

Heh. Swim lessons are so much fun! I had one kid smack someone because he freaked out, so she dropped him and dunked him. I had to work very hard not to crack up.

Cristin said...

tee hee. laughing at you and your exposed boobie.

That One said...

One of my girls popped out from under a tank-top on a pontoon boat full of my co-workers once. I know someone noticed because I caught him noticing, but he didn't notice me noticing him and I certainly didn't apologize for it, just quickly fixed the damn strap. Therefore my dignity remained intact.

And if rumors flew around the office that I wasn't wearing a bra that day, they did not make it back to me. Thank god.

Here In Franklin said...

Keep up with those swim lessons...colleges pay for good swimmers!

Not Afraid To Use It said...

@wendryn: I'm afraid I'm going to lose my contacts and then not be able to drive home with all the bonking and splashing. LOL

@Cristin: It was pretty funny.

@Tuli: Exactly! As long as the rumors stay out of earshot, it's all good.

@HereinFranklin: Good point! Will have to keep my eye on the prize.

Irrational Dad said...

I need to start hanging out at the pool.

A Free Man said...

I've been keeping my eyes peeled at the pool during swim lessons, but so far no flashing at my swim center :(
