A friend who lives a few blocks away called in a panic this morning asking if I could watch her daughter. Her son woke up vomiting and feverish, and she needs to get him to the doctor posthaste.
It was 9am, and the kids and I had just rolled out of bed. For real. When she dropped off her daughter five minutes after the phone call, I was was still in my sexy coffee jammies, and the kids were lounging on the couch with their bowls of cereal, cartoons in full-swing. She kept tripping over herself saying thank you, and I let her know that we were totally cool with it, as long as she understood that there was not one shred of anything educational going on this morning. They were going to have snacks, watch TV, and beyond that I hadn't planned anything.
So, now I am off to make coffee, make waffles for the kids, and pray that this little girl didn't carry the plague in with her on her clothes.
Update: Our little house guest stayed until nearly 10pm. Her brother is hospitalized and under observation despite the K-HMO doing their best to ignore his mom and his symptoms. As exhausted as I am for having cooked and cleaned for three children today, I have to say she was the best behaved child I have ever watched. Ever.
She played both with my kids and independently. She ate all her food without question. We did crafts and went swimming. She loved the popsicles. She was fine with our movie choice (Peter Pan). When it was time for bath, book and bed, I explained to her that her mom was on her way, but that we would let her borrow a night gown and rest in LittleBird's bed until her mom came. She snuggled against my shoulder for a story and then fell asleep without a peep. It could have been a day full of drama, but the only crazy antics came from my own kids. I am tired down to my bones, and so damned grateful. I totally earned my Baja Fresh burrito tonight. Because after being the short order chef for breakfast, lunch and dinner (plus snacks) there was no way I was cooking for the big kids tonight.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
No Expectations, Please
Posted by
Not Afraid to Use It
9:41 AM
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You're a good woman. When I've been on your friend's side of the equation, I couldn't have cared less what the kids saw on TV; really, as long as there was no ritual sacrifice going on, I would have still been wicked appreciative.
what a nice neighbor you are!
My friend who lives down the street was planning on coming over for a playdate one morning this week... she called around 9:30 apologizing but she was waiting for her kids clothes to be done in the dryer... I told her we weren't dressed yet...she came over and we all playdated in our jammies... TV ON... til around noon.
Nothing wrong with that. She probably wouldn't have cared if you gave her daughter some Benedryl or a capful of Crown Royal. Not that I would ever do something like that. Actually, I think I may have heard wife mention that we're babysitting her friend's kid next Tuesday. Hmmm...
Joe is right. It's all about dose all of 'em. Or put them near a Diego marathon.
You? Most awesome neighbor ever. :)
Did you get the urge to a) trade for this wonderful child, b) ask your kids why they aren't like this wondeful child, or c) ask the mom how she did it?
Granted it could have been a fluke. I hope the little boy gets well soon!
You kind of came to the rescue didn't you? Nice work.
Way to be a good neighbor. Few and far between.
What is a Baja Fresh burrito?
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