Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WW: Earning Their Keep

For more groovy WW, click here.
For my WW contributions, click here.


Anonymous said...

Cool! How do you train them to do that?

RiverPoet said...

Oh yeah, crack that whip! It's good to get them started young!

Peace - D

jayna said...

That's great! Get them started on the car next and you'll be all set.

Qtpies7 said...

Use them while you can, because they eventually figure out that isn't fun. It is like pulling teeth at my house to even get them to pick up their own dishes and carry them to the sink.

Anonymous said...

I love it when they're so little and willing to try everything!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of child labor (chuckle)--priceless pic.

After all I do tell my kids that's why we had children in the first place--so that then can do chores around the house.

Kelly said...

Teach 'em young and teach 'em early! That's my motto!

Not Afraid To Use It said...

@CiHV: By telling them NOT to do it.

@Momma: I feel like we are behind already!

@Jayna: Considering how I suck at the car, that is an excellent idea.

@qtpies7: Yeah, right now Little Bird LOVE to be a helper. Too bd our kitchen isn't safe for her to enter.

@willthink: Amen!

@Mermaid: Us too. If I had to birth them, they have to fold my laundry.

@k-mom: If we can just keep them interested.

Unknown said...

How absolutely precious!

I miss talking to you...

highlander1463 said...

Send them over to our house. We'll put them to work. And then the grown ups can go and get a coffee and relax.

Train them right.

