Thursday, December 13, 2007

TH13: 13 Freaky Things About Me

Here are 13 things that make me the freaky bitch I am! LOL

  1. When I crack an egg, I have to scoop out the chicken fetus before I cook it.

  2. I have to rinse out my drinking glasses before I put liquid in it.

  3. I have to keep my fingernails SHORT or they bug the hell out of me.

  4. I always have to shampoo my hair two times.

  5. I cannot put a toothpick or anything else wooden in my mouth. It makes my teeth hurt.

  6. I always put my right contact lens in, followed by my left. I always remove them in the same order.

  7. I very very rarely eat the crust on my bread. I usually peel it off, even at the the ripe old age of 33.

  8. When I empty the dishwasher, I always start with the silverware.

  9. I never, ever dog-ear my novels.

  10. When getting on an escalator, I have to step onto it with my right foot.

  11. If I can, I sit cross-legged at all times. I will usually request a booth at a restaurant not only to corral the kids, but so that I can kick off my shoes and sit cross-legged.

  12. If you do not have real sugar in your house, I won't have any coffee.

  13. I have to have the blankets tucked in to the bottom of my mattress. If my feet are not covered, I cannot sleep.
After reading this list, I hope you aren't afraid to come back and read my blog. LOL

For more Thursday 13, click here.


Serina Hope said...

2 and 11 are sooo me. Great 13!

cindy kay said...

Well, let's see: Long fingernails bug me, I shampoo twice, I use my right foot on (and off) the escalator, I never dog-ear my books, and I must have my feet covered, not only with a blanket, but with socks, in order to sleep. Either I'm freaky too, or you're more normal than you think!

Robin said...

I've kicked off my shoes in restaurants plenty of times, the trick is remembering to put them back on before you leave (or is that just me?).

candyQ said...

Ohhh... we're the same with #6 and #13!

SandyCarlson said...

Double shampoos and short nails are the meaning of clean! I'm with you on that. I wouldn't dog ear a novel, either. I kind of wonder at the people who do.
Writing in Faith

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

We are together on numbers 3, 6, and 10. I do dog-ear my novels, but just the cheap-o paperbacks. Not the nicer, larger paperbacks or hardbacks.

OK, so we're all a little freaky! :-)

DrillerAA said...

I thought my dad was the only person on the planet that did no. 1. I did the same thing for a long time, but I broke too many yokes so I gave up on it.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

freaky - some I like - I have so many meems to do - these are inspirational.
cheers you don't scare me I have twins lOL.

Samantha_K said...

If you put sugar in my coffee, I won't drink it. LOL. I'm the exact same about covers over my feet. It all stems from an episode of Unsolved Mysteries...*shudder* I don't want to think about that sorry. And my step-dad and I got into more fights over me not sitting properly in a chair, I cannot tell you how many...
Anyway, Happy TT!

Lori said...

Thats not such a freaky list. Its the little things about ourselves that make us who we are...I have my own OCD tendencies as well. I triple check my purse before I lock the doors to make sure I have my keys even though I know I just put them in there lol....Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

Rian Fike said...

Ewww... you are so creepy!

I love it, it proves you must be a real person. Outstanding list.

Laura Brown said...

I can't sleep if my feet are too hot or too cold. In summer I leave the covers off my feet and in winter I have my fuzzy housecoat over the end of the bed for extra coverage. So you're not so weird at all. :)

Patois42 said...

Oh, Lord, you are such a freak! How do you function in this world?

Melissa said... are my sister...Except for the contacts. I don't wear those. But all the others....

My Busy Life said...

I loved your list! I am up too.

soleil said...

i start with the silverware. i do dog-ear my novels though. i picked that up from my mom. i am trying to get better about using bookmarks but i always lose them.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on the contact thing. If i shampooed my hair twice I end up with an afro.


Anonymous said...

Me, too, for number 8 & 9. The rest? Not freakish, but very unique! You've got to be reeeeeaaaaaly freaky to scare me off!!!

Anonymous said...

You know they've mastered the art of crustless bread. My kids love it, but I only buy it for birthday teas!
Lives Less Ordinary

Nicholas said...

I so agree with you re #3. Rest assured, you will want to have coffee in my house. And only barbarians dog ear books!

Diana said...

oh my word...are you my long lost twin?!

Cynthia said...

Wow, those are none of me...Great list!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on 7, 9 & 11.

Anonymous said...

Not so freaky! I do many of those things myself... only question, what the fuck is the chicken fetus? Do you mean the yolk? I'm confused.

Hey, I am soooo loving your blog. It's fun. Hope that you'll check mine out too. I think we might have alot in common!

Unknown said...

Scary! I'm with you on 9 of your 13! The 4 that make me think you're just weird are 1, 2, 4, and 13. :) (I figured it was easier to list the differences...)

Not Afraid to Use It said...

themommykelly: A chicken fetus? Next time you crack an egg open into a bowl take a look at it. The age of the egg will depend on how big it is, but there will be a little white chicken fetus floating next to the yolk. Often, you can even see the umbilical cord. Once someone pointed that out to me, I just HAD to start performing a little chicken fetusectomy before I cook that egg. LOL
