My mom clued me into the fact that LittleBird has gotten very good at opposites. I suppose I knew that, but it isn't something we've actively worked on lately. Read: I assumed she already knew them and didn't think to make a big deal out of it. Bad mommy!
Yesterday, after Hubbie picked us up from the airport, my daughter pipes up from the back seat:
LB: What is the opposite of light?
NATUI: Dark!
LB: What is the opposite of dark?
NATUI: Light!
LB: What is the opposite of fast?
NATUI: Slow!
LB: What is the opposite of sign?
NATUI: Blink...Did you say "sign"?
LB: Yes! What is the opposite of sign?
NATUI: Cosine.
LB: Cosine?
NATUI: Yup! You got it!
Hubbie tries, somewhat successfully, to stay in his lane. Her teachers at the preschool are going to hate me.
HA! Love a good math joke!!
I was just thinking to myself that there weren't enough geometry jokes around the blogosphere. Thanks for taking up the slack, NATUI.
I was never good at trigonometry.
Dammit, Freeman, why you gotta go throwing "otry"s in there before I can?
Math is sexy... *swoon*
I adore it! Go LB!
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