Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Just TV, Right?

**Disclaimer: If you haven't seen The Ring but intend to, do not read this post.

I loved horror films as a kid. Being scared was fun, but only because I could justify that it was just television. I wasn't in the woods. It wasn't night. I didn't live on Elm Street.

Two nights ago, I heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet. LittleBird usually wanders into our room during the night. I looked toward the edge of my side of the bed, but there was no one there. I rolled over and looked down the middle of our bed towards our feet.

A figure in white. With long bell sleeves. Dark hair hiding her face. Climbing with jerky motions towards our pillows.

I swear to fucking god that for two heartbeats I thought it was Samara. But instead of climbing out of the TV she was climbing up into our bed.

Those two heartbeats passed, and I realized that it was only LittleBird sleepily climbing into our bed for a snuggle.

It took a long time to fall back to sleep.


A Free Man said...

I was (and am) too much of a scaredy cat to get into horror films. A good horror film can keep me up all night even without kids sneaking around!

RiverPoet said...

Oh my God, it took me forever to stop looking over my shoulder in closets and laundry rooms after I saw that movie.

Yes, I would have been up most of the night, too, after a scare like that!

Peace - D

Candy said...

That is the scariest damned movie ever. I would have LOST MY SHIT if I saw that girl climbing in my bed. Gad!

Patois42 said...

I'm so glad I'm reading this in the relative light of day.

Shelley Jaffe said...

I knew about the scene you speak of, but was scared poopless nevertheless when I went to see the movie.

OK, maybe not scared - more appalled at the kid's horrific grooming skills. Someone get detangler STAT!

Irrational Dad said...

"Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors" scared the $#*% out of me! I was 9 or 10 when I saw it. That mofo gave me nightmares.

That, and the f***ing clown doll from Poltergeist!!!!

KJ said...

That's AWFUL. I slept with the lights on in my apartment for 6 months after I saw that movie - until my (now) husband moved in with me!

Anonymous said...

The original movie, in Japanese, is a truly scary experience.

I love that shit . . .

Bluestreak said...

ooooh, i looooove scary movies and i love being scared. it makes me feel alive.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Yep. I would have pee'd that bed. Most definitely.
