Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not Just a Song For Kids

Isn't it wonderful to find something that touches you on a deep level? Especially when you are not looking for it?

I stumbled across this song in one of my random site-jumping moments. The title is what caught my attention. What a beautiful sentiment.

by Kristin Andreasssen & Megan Downes / Yellowcar Music, ASCAP

I went to see the doctor. I’d come down with the blues.
She said “No, I can’t cure you, but I know something you can do.
Take out a piece of paper, and sit down for a while,
and draw a pretty picture of something that makes you smile.”

Well, I know what makes me happy. Didn’t have to think for long.
But when I tried to draw it, it always came out wrong.
I had a box of 12, 48 and 64,
but nowhere could I find that one shade I was looking for.
I guess I realized shoulda come as no surprise

Crayola doesn’t make a color for your eyes.
There is no way that I could possibly describe you.
Crayola doesn’t make a color to draw my love.

At first I thought of Green Blue, but then I saw Blue Green.
And then sometimes in bright light, they look Aquamarine.
I think at night they’re darker. I looked again for you.
Saw Grey and Black and went out walkin’ after Midnight Blue
But the hues of the deepest skies would be a compromise...


Spring Green is much too yellow, Sea Green is far too pale.
Cornflower’s way too mellow, so I’ll try again and fail.
There’s no way I can capture the way you make me feel.
One look from you is rapture, whether Blue or Green or Teal.
No color qualifies. That crayon’s telling lies...

Crayola doesn’t make a color…

Hey look, it’s Periwinkle. So sure I got it now.
But you wink and there’s a twinkle in your eye and still, somehow,
I just can’t get that sparkle. Those glitter crayons won’t.
Maybe Glow-In-The-Dark’ll get it right. Aw, no they don’t.
Mr. Crayola tries, but I’m left to fantasize...

Crayola doesn’t make a color...

For your eyes, something darker let’s see what I can find.
Melted mahogany and got the depth not the shine.
Just about gave up and then I peeled the paper off a little end of…
Really thought it coulda been… ahh, not even Burnt Sienna!
Your passport says they’re brown, but I’m gonna keep lookin’ round…


Anonymous said...

What a great song! Where'd you stumble on that?

I love songs like that - good for kids but not so cloyingly sweet as to make me sick!

I Am Woody said...
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I Am Woody said...

Oops, hit the trash button. I saw them perform this song last summer - accompanied only by their clapping hands (school-yard style). It was great.

Anonymous said...

This was just awesome! I also LOVE that you just came across it by accident.

Or did you? Maybe it found you.

Thanks for sharing some beauty.

Kelly said...

I clicked on the link. Me likey!

Not Afraid to Use It said...

@AFM: I emailed you, dude.

@Lori: That's pretty cool. I think I need to get used to the song without watching the patty-cake. There is a video online of that, but I want to focus on the lyrics while I learn the song. LOL

@BvB: Isn't that kind of thing just awesome? Maybe it really did find me? I'd like to think so. And you are welcome. How can something so sweet and beautiful stay hidden?

@K-mom: Glad you like it! It has taken a bit for the beat to grow on me, but I am DEF digging it now!
