Saturday, September 27, 2008

Welcome To Dulles

We're home. I'll be stopping by your blogs over the next few days as the jet lag wears off and I get caught up. Thanks to everyone who hung in there through the serial posting of my story. I know how busy everyone's lives are, and I feel honored that so many of you made the time to leave such kind comments and stayed with it even when the story got heavy.

For now, I leave you with the end of our journey last night. Home sweet home.



A Free Man said...

Yep, that's about how I feel after an international flight.

Irrational Dad said...

Welcome home. Looks like the little one had some coffee on the flight.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys made it home okay! I'm sure you have plenty of tales to tell, but get some rest first.


Patois42 said...

Whew! You've cleared customs. That's always the worst for me and mine.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!

I've flown into Dulles airport several times! Busy busy.

Not my favourite...

Take a rest now, and then get back in here!! LOL!

Mouthy Girl said...

Awwww look at him! Welcome home! Hope rest comes easy and that everyone falls back into a regular routine as the week begins.

You've been missed even with the posts!

RiverPoet said...

Welcome home! Little Man looks happy!

Peace - D

Kelly said...

Welcome back to the states! Our entire economic system collapsed while you were gone, but other than that, not that much has happened. :>)

Can't wait to hear your stories!

Gypsy said...

Welcome back! You were missed.
