Wednesday, June 4, 2008

WW: Why I Treadmill

For more groovy Wordless Wednesday, click here.
For my Wordless Wednesday contributions, click here.


Anonymous said...

That's some nice looking ham! Pancetta? Prosciutto? Yummmmmm.

BNS said...

I think I'll stop by and have lunch with you. Looks SO appetizing. Happy WW.


RiverPoet said...

Looks pretty healthy to me! And the glass of wine? Keeping those arteries healthy and keeping you from throttling someone ;-)

Peace - D

Suzie said...

Yum....some cheese please

Gypsy said...

Mmmmm... cheeeeeeese.

highlander1463 said...

Damn that looks good. I should eat like that. Beats the hell out of cookies and carrot cake.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Runs circles around my tuna sandwich!

Mouthy Girl said...


I want that very same plate. And you can have my Cab since I don't drink.

I'll even do some treadmill walking time. I don't run. I used to say that the only time I'd run is when being chased by a pitbull. Now I have two reasons: those fucking canines and when my kid makes a run for it in a parking lot. Dammit. And don't tell me he's only thinking of my health!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

OMG. Just make me hungry at 10:30 at night why dontcha. Jeez.

Not Afraid To Use It said...

@CiHV: Yup. Phenomenal proscuitto!

@bns: The door is open!

@Momma: My thoughts exactly.

@suzie: I love me some cheese!

@Gypsy: Any preference? The smoked gouda?

@Highlander: Oh god. I would NEVER pass up carrot cake!

@cats-goats-quotes: But tuna sandwiches DEF have their place.

@Buddha_Girl: I'd share the plate with you. Actually, I'd make one just for you bc I am a little like Joey on Friends when it comes to my food.

@CMGD: I'm making you hungry at 10.30 at night bc THAT is when I eat it.

Vulgar Wizard said...

I'm confused . . . that looks really healthy . . . why would you need to treadmill? *ponder*
