Saturday, April 26, 2008

Whoring Myself Out, Freecycle Style

Apparently, I will do anything for a date.

A playdate that is.

Since we moved I have been using Freecycle like a madwoman. It has been a great way to get rid of things we no longer need, and we have been able to obtain several useful items in return. A total win-win situation.

Long story short, someone came to pick up something I offered. I had anticipated her coming and was interested in saying hello as she had an international/European email address. I missed her when she picked up the item. We ended up exchanging emails, and this morning she brought her son over for a playdate with LittleMan.

She was very nice, and we had a ton to talk about.

We're getting together next Friday at her place.

I have never considered myself a "networking" kind of gal, but damn. I meet people in the weirdest of places.

I like it.


Anonymous said...

n, in my experience with Freecycle, I would have been scared to meet up with anyone that came after our stuff. Sounds like you had a better class of freecycler!

Still struggling to find my feet down here. I feel like a bit of an internet pirate as well, wandering around looking for unprotected wireless!

RiverPoet said...

Indeed, I also meet people in strange places. I'm not the type who gets to know my neighbors, exactly, though there are a couple of them on my block that I talk to when we're outside. I tend to meet more people through work or online. Probably because we have enough in common that I know I'm "safe."

Glad you found LittleMan a play date. I don't exactly have little ones to offer, but Mr. PL is pretty good with kids, as you saw!

Peace - D

Mouthy Girl said...

Hoo-damn-ray! Like you, I have turned into a Freecycle freak. I'm all about letting others benefit from things I no longer need while culling through their cast-offs for a few treasures.

The fact that you've made contact with someone new for you and for Little Bird? Priceless. I'm happy for you!

Mouthy Girl said...

I meant LITTLE MAN. Cripes. I need sleep.

Lori said...

Lucky you! I've seen so many people blog about Freecycle - so I tried to sign up.
Did you know in Vegas it's currently "closed" to new members?
Damn ...

But I'm really happy you and your Little Man have new friends!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was that brave! We moved 8 months ago and I still haven't really found any friends for me...I don't know if you can count co-workers that you're social with only during work hours :(

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Sweet! That's awesome, hon!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. I've taken to handing out my info all over town to every prospective "new friend" I meet for Punkin and I.

I guess I should have cards printed up or something......

Gotta do what you've gotta do, though, right? If you had just moved further south......

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