Friday, December 19, 2008

Splurge for the DVR Ya Cheap Bastard

We had a couple over for a game night last weekend. We had never spent time with them socially, but how can you go wrong with board games?

Apparently, board game success depends on the season.

As I served the appetizers, the guy asked if we could turn on the television. I thought he wanted to check a game score or something. No problem.

Turns out, there was a marathon of all the different Christmas cartoons from when we were kids. I understand that when we were little that these shows were only on once a year, but that's what VCRs were for. Hell, that's what DVRs are for now.

Since our family obviously has different ideas of social etiquette than others, let me lay some ground rules for the next couple we invite over:

  • If you come over for game night, let's play a game. If you want to come over for cartoon marathon night, I am totally down with that, but I want to be prepared.
  • If you want to watch something on TV while you are here, I am cool with it as long as you do not interrupt conversation by quoting the film that no one else is watching.
  • If you cannot live without your TV program, go out and buy a fucking DVR. It will change your life, I swear to god.
  • If you are too cheap to upgrade, break out your old VCR and learn to program the damned thing.
Stepping off my soapbox now.


Gypsy said...

Yeah, those are definitely DVR-worthy. I should know -- I DVR'd them.

KJ said...

Wow. That's weird.

My husband and I have this standing joke... we had a couple over for dinner a few years ago who we hadn't hung out with socially before, and the husband took a bite out of his corn, then rolled it across the top of the butter that was on the table for everyone, then looked up and said, "Oh, uh... is it okay to roll my corn in the butter?" Just that sentence makes me giggle when he whispers it in places where it would totally NOT be okay to roll your corn in the butter.

Next time you guys are about to get it on, ask him if you can turn on the television.

RiverPoet said...

Heck, you can even do what I did and get the DVR/cable box combo. Works great.

When we come over, the only thing we might want to watch is the hockey game :-D But then again, we would all plan ahead for that...

Peace - D

Kelly said...

That's pretty rude. I read somewhere that 85% of Americans think that people are more rude today than they were 25 years ago, but 95% of Americans don't think that they themselves are rude.

Dude's definitely in the latter group.

A Free Man said...

That's so annoying. I hate the TV anyway and have had people ask if they could turn on the TV at parties before, to which I answered "No. Fuck off." But then I'm not very nice. It would be different if it were a sporting event, though.


Anonymous said...

Mental, why go to someone elses house to watch telly? if you care that much about it stay home, or get a DVR, whatever that is... I liked your title. it sounds very scottish, ye bastard ye! Have a great Christmas!

Mouthy Girl said...

Cross 'em off your list of People Who Shall Be Invited To My House.

What the hell?

I have NEVER heard of such a thing. Asking the hostess to turn on the fucking tv when having beening invited over for a BOARD GAME NIGHT is a serious faux pas, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Some people just don't know how to get away from the tube. Sad . . .

Growing up, when we walked into the house after a trip somewhere - anywhere - the TV came on before the light did. Again, sad . . .

Just wanted to wish you and yours a peaceful holiday and a new year filled with many wondrous surprises . . .

It's been an honor getting to know you a bit . . .

Patois42 said...

What a moron.

Irrational Dad said...

Even if I were stupid enough to be that man... my wife would call me a f***ing rude idiot for doing such a thing... so... where was his wife (the voice of reason) when this was happening? I count on my wife to let me know when i'm being an idiot.

Bluestreak said...

People never cease to amaze me. Reminds me of a time when I was invited over to dinner at someone's house who I didn't know very well, and there were like ten people there all around the table and the host was sitting on the couch watching TV the whole time and not interacting with his guests. At least it was HIS house.
