Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who Is Walking Whom?


For more groovy Wordless Wednesday, click here.
For my Wordless Wednesday contributions, click here.


Mouthy Girl said...

Go, Little Man, go! Shake your moneymaker! Let that damn cat know who's boss!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a cat person, but that's a cute scene!

RiverPoet said...

That's one gorgeous cat! Can't believe he let you put a leash on him (or her). And just look how big LittleMan is getting! Wow!

Peace - D

Kelly said...


krysta said...

is that cat on a leash? my cat would meow me to death if i even tried to do that!

Molly's Mom said...

That is too funny! No way I'd ever get a leash on any of my cats - they don't even wear collars. They'd freak out and think they were going to the vet or something.

Not Afraid to Use It said...

@BG: Don't worry, he pounds on the poor cat all the time.

@AFM: Not a cat person? Makes note...

@RiverPoet: He is a cutie. He's a Birman. He loves that leash. To the point that if he sees it in your hand or knows what drawer it is in he screams until you put it on him.

@Kelly: Thanks for stopping by!

@Krysta: Yep. He lurvs it. LOL

@Molly'sMom: It is a bit freakish how our cats like their harnesses and leashes. We don't take them out very often because we aren't supposed to have have them here. And cats outside on leashes tend to travel in the gossip circles.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the cat! LOL!

Sweet picture!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

My cats go nuts when we put a collar on them....dunno how well they'd do on a leash!

Side-note: I got my cats from freecycle....haha...

Found you by way of Wordless Wednesday.
Wayfaring Wanderer

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

The cat. Definitely the cat. He is walking the hairless-monkey child who dares to put a leash around his neck. Yep.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a precious fluffy monster, and your cat is beautiful too.

I have a cat that I can leash too ... small world.
